How to Get Saudi Citizenship?

Vision 2030, the Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman is making astonishing changes to the domestic and social structures that he had previously imagined.

Allowing women to drive and get rid of the Guardian ban is one of those changes. Now another major change has come, and for the first time, the Saudi government has also announced citizenship for foreigners.

 According to Gulf News, Saudi Arabia will give foreigners the expertise of their country in various fields and professions.

The royal decree issued by Shah Salman states that “those who would be prominent religious scholars, or those who are nuclear, renewable energy, medicine, pharmacology, computer science, oil, artificial intelligence, robotics, ecology, astronautics, aviation. , Prominent positions in other fields including culture, sports and the arts will be given Saudi prominence.

 According to the report, the initiative aims to attract people from all over the world with expertise in various fields so that they can stay in Saudi Arabia and contribute to the country’s development.

Via:  Arab news

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