Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Saturday stumbled on the steps of the Ganga Ghat in Kanpur, a metropolis in India’s Uttar Pradesh state, as he was once hiking up the stairs.
According to a video of the incident, the neighboring country’s high minister stumbled while going upstairs and used to be guided and given a supporting hand through the security officers surrounding him.
Although it was no longer clear if the prime minister sustained any injuries in the incident, which saw his face and hands hitting the stairs.
Social media customers from India mocked the top minister and linked his stumble with the country’s tumbling economic situation.
One consumer commented on the video saying that Narendra Modi stumbling like our economy while the different brought a caption saying “India’s GDP below Modi.”
A third user also poked at the prime minister, saying Modi might be trying to identify a camera to look into it causing this fall.
via: web news