Actresses Maya Ali and Usman Khalid Butt are counted among the most popular onscreen shows of the Pakistan showbiz industry. The two have been seen acting together in several dramas, including “Aik naye Cinderella”, “Aon Zara”, “Diardal” and “Sanam” and all of these plays have been liked well.
Usman Khalid Butt and Maya Ali are not only great actresses but also very good friends of each other, but news about the two often circulates that the two have more than a friendship. Once the news of the couple’s engagement was circulating on social media, while some believe the two are married.
Neither Osman Khalid Butt nor Maya Ali had made any statement on the rumors circulating about their relationship, but now Maya Ali has quietly disregarded the matter.
Maya Ali recently shared a photo of herself on New Year’s Eve and wrote a message along with her 2019 thank you. I learned many lessons this year, ready in 2020.
This picture of Maya Ali was appreciated on social media. A user commenting on the photo asked if Maya Ali is still tied to the marriage of Usman Khalid Butt. Because the two do not appear together.
Maya Ali responds to this user’s question by covering up on rumors circulating about her and Usman Khalid Butt, saying that me and my family or Usman and his family ever said that we were married. At the same time, Maya angrily said you have the right to ask, but please refrain from making any statements or final comments about anyone, thank you.
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