Segway showed a new and updated version of the balanced car, which the netizen mocked as a “wheelchair balancing vehicle” and added a canopy as a roof. You don’t move on any more, you just lie on it. Traveling is more convenient. The delivery is planned for 2021.
As comparison to conventional Segway, the S-Pod does not tip forward, rear and diagonal, but on the right side of the vehicle, the S-Pod utilizes this same gyro-equilibrating system as the standard Segway.
A little joystick to drive the motorcycle. Segway says its self-balancing system still retains the chair heights, and even when stopped, two-wheel design can change direction easily.
In addition, the two large wheels have a medium wheel in the rear and the two small wheels are in the back. This makes it easy to push the balance car if it is not disabled. Segway also reported that in the movie Jurassic World, the S-Pod was inspired by the gyro with the top speed of 24 miles per hour.
In 2018, a new name for the “Segway-Ninebot” was announced officially by the company No. 9 of the Xiaomi Balance Car Manufacturer, whose product brand is part of the PT business line.
To target high-end, quality, business and commercial user companies, use self-balancing technology. Ninebot is a brand of the company PT. Ninebot is a commodity brand. To target mid to high-end, younger and more trendy internet shoppers use non-self-equilibrium technology.