NUST Scientist Dr Faisal Shafait Makes History as he Becomes First Muslim Scientist to Win IAPR Award 2019

Researcher Dr Faisal Shafait of the NUST has made history by being the first Muslim scientist to receive the Young Scientist Award in 2019 for his outstanding contributions to image-analysis and computational forensics, the International Association for Protective Pattern Recognition.

The prestigious award in pattern recognition and document analysis comes from Pakistan for the first time.

Sydney has hosted the 15th International Conference for Analysis and Recognition of Documents (ICDAR). The award is given every second anniversary every two years, since 1997, to researchers from the United States, Germany, China, Japan, Korea, Spain, Norway and India who have won the award on previous occasions. The award is presented to researchers from the United States, Germany, China, Japan and Korea.

Dr. Faisal is a well-known Pakistani name and currently is employed by the Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (SEECS) Department of Computing

Along with five thousand quotes from his articles, the algoritms he uses for researchers and developers world wide are part of Google’s open-source text recognition system, the Tesseract.

His profound Urdu reading systems help smartphones to read analphabets, which account for nearly 40% of Pakistan’s total population.

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