Google is Making a Tutorial App to Replace YouTube

YouTube now is the place to learn how to tie or get support preparating for training for all forms of tutorials and guidance. Nevertheless, Google claims that such contents require a separate site.

Tangi is a recent test app for tutorial videos and guides that Google is currently working on.

The Tangi videos will have a 60-second limit and will be split into several different craft, food, DIY, fashion, beauty and lifestyle categories but there will definitely be more.

There is no “technology” segment yet which will later be added to guides on how to suit your phone, build a device, etc. It would be a welcome change for people who want to watch a quick guide without having to comment on YouTube for 10 minutes. There are likely to be longer videos on YouTube, but in the future the 60-seconde cap for more comprehensive guides may be expanded.

Google has a reputation for starting such experiments and killing them off soon after, so is it unclear whether Tangi will ever see the light of the day.

The app is only available on iOS as of now and Android users will have to make do with the website until an official app release.

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