For the First Time in the Country’s History, Educational Boards are Headed by Aga Khan

The federal government has for the first time in the country’s history handed over the private board of the board, the Aga Khan University Examination Board Karachi, to the Federal Board of Education (IBCC). Regular notification of this appointment has also been issued by the Ministry of Education Vocational Training (Ministry of Education and Professional Training).

The Interboard Committee of Chairs is a joint official forum of all the educational boards of Pakistan, except all the institutions of the Aga Khan University Examination Board, a private institution in Pakistan, consisting of a group of 7 educational boards of Sindh, a group of educational boards of Punjab and Khyber Pakhtunkhwa.

In addition to a group of KKBs, there is a separate group comprising “an educational board of Balochistan province, a federal education board, Azad Kashmir Education Board and Gilgit-Baltistan educational board, as well as the Aga Khan University Education Board” and headed by IBCC every year.

The IBCC Government, consisting of country-wide educational boards, is the authorized body of Pakistan, which has the authority to equate or reject the certificates of other foreign educational boards, including ‘A’ Levels.

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