Tich Button the upcoming film starring Iman Ali, Farhan Saeed, Feroze Khan and Sonya Hussyn just dropped it’s first teaser. The teaser begins with Feroze Khan and Farhan Saeed jumping from a building and then running together across a field.
There’s a close-up of the two exchanging eye contact implying that their characters in the film are close friends. Parallel to them we get a glimpse into the lives of Iman Ali and Sonya Hussyn whose characters are also shown as close friends, with the two frolicking together.
Tich Button is also the debut of Urwa Hocane as a producer. Hocane is producing the film alongside Salman Iqbal under the banner of Shooting Star Studio and Salman Iqbal films. It is directed by Qasim Ali Mureed and written by Faiza Iftikhar.