Large numbers of people actually work or self-isolate from home. As many problems as this can pose, thanks to the powerful app ecosystem that can aid in this situation, it is at least simpler than it had been before.
In this regard, Apple has started introducing additional editorial details in the App Store and has provided tailored suggestions for people who have been trapped with the virus at home.
One new collection is titled “Apps for Working and Staying at Home.” It highlights apps that will help keep you informed, keep you relaxed, keep in contact with friends and family, connected with work colleagues, and maybe even learn some new skills along the way.
As per Apple’s efforts during the coronavirus outbreak, there’s a focus on recommending official news sources such as the New York Times.
The sections are titled as follows:
Learn and Study From Home
Keep in Touch With Loved Ones
Connect With Your Coworkers
Browse Breaking Headlines
Listen to the News
Work Out at Home
Your Meditation Station
Soothing Sounds to Relax To
Yoga for Everyone
Navigate Your Emotions
Grocery Shopping Made Easy
Find Your New Go-To Recipes
You can check out this App Store Story here. The apps selected range from more conventional, well-known choices like Snapchat and Khan Academy to the likes of Moodnotes – Mood & CBT Tracker and Asana Rebel: Get in Shape Workout and nutrition plans.