Google, YouTube Launch New Resources to Help Educate Students at Home

As part of the protective steps that governments all over the world take to avoid the spread of coronavirus, schools and colleges are closed.

Google and YouTube have launched new tool sites to assist teachers and families in educating students.

The search engine giant’s page is called ‘Teach From Home’ which offers recommendations on how teachers can teach remotely using Google products.

At present, the page features ideas like doing a video call with a class using Hangouts or creating an online quiz using Google Forms.

The page will “continue to evolve,” states Google.

Alongside this, a “Teach from Home toolkit,” is also available that has resources about how to teach remotely prepared into a series of slides.

The resource is available in English but the downloadable toolkits are available in Danish, German, Spanish, French, Italian, and Polish with more languages being added soon.

Whereas YouTube has launched “Learn@Home” that highlights educational YouTube channels that students can watch at home.

The best part is that the page categorises the channels for families with kids 13 and older, for families with kids five and older, and for families with preschoolers.

The video-sharing platform is partnering with Khan Academy and other education-focused creators to bring top-notch educational videos for its viewers that are lockdown due to coronavirus.

Some of the channels are CrashCourse, Discovery Education, Cool School, PBS Kids, and Sesame Street.

Learn@Home is available now in English and will be available in Italian, French, Korean, Spanish, Japanese, and more “in the coming days,” according to YouTube.

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