Pakistan Constitutes Scientific Task Force to Develop COVID-19 Vaccine

Pakistan has been set up to carry out research and produce a vaccine for COVID-19, Federal Minister of Science and Technology Chaudhry Fawad Hussain said. Pakistan was also responsible for the research and production of the vaccine.

The Committee of the COVID-19 Scientific Task Force is headed by renowned research scientist Prof. Atta UR Rahman, the task force is tasked to create a coronavirus vaccine as it remains a mystery, to date. The committee will work under the Science and Technology Ministry.

“The Ministry of Science has set up a committee headed by Dr. Ata-ul-Rahman, the committee will coordinate research on the Corona vaccine and other related issues and will also support research institutions globally,” tweeted Fawad Hussain.

The federal minister added that in addition, the Science Foundation is “launching data research to answer some important questions.”

Other members of the committee include Prof Dr. Javed Akram, Prof Dr. Shazna Khalid, Prof Al Fareed Zafar, Prof Iqbal Choudhry, Prof Dr. Khalid Khan, and Prof Mariam Riaz Tarar.

It may be mentioned here that the coronavirus pandemic has claimed over 18,000 lives in over 190 countries around the world, with the number of persons affected reaching half a million mark.

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