Israeli Health Minister Waiting for “The Messiah” Who Will Cure Coronavirus

“We are praying and hoping that the Messiah will arrive before Passover, the time of our redemption. I am sure that the Messiah will come and bring us out as [God] brought us out of Egypt. Soon we will go out in freedom and the Messiah will come and redeem us from all the troubles of the world.”

United Torah Judaism party’s Yaakov Litzman has said that the cure for the mysterious coronavirus will come along with the Messiah, who he thinks will rid the Jewish community of their plight. In his press conference last week, he claimed that the world is nearing its end and the time is right for Messiah to descend upon the Earth.

Israel is currently under complete lockdown until at least 18th April. Close to 2,500 cases have emerged in Israel with 5 deaths until now.

Earlier, an Israeli scientist had claimed that the vaccine for the mysterious disease will be completed within 3 months.

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