On Friday, the State Bank of Pakistan (SBP) launched a four percent loan scheme to those on the Active Taxpayer List (ATL) paying their workers salaries and wages during lockdown challenges to suppress spread coronavirus.
However, this loan scheme is available at 5 percent to persons not appeared on ATL. The ATL is weekly updated by the Federal Board of Revenue (FBR) on the basis of annual income tax return filed by persons to comply with tax laws.
The scheme will be available to all businesses in Pakistan through banks and will cover all types of employees including permanent, contractual, daily wages as well as outsourced workers.
The scheme will provide financing for wages and salaries expense for three months from April to June 2020 for those businesses which do not layoff their employees for these three months.
The mark-up on the loans under this scheme will be up to 5 percent. Borrowers that are on the active taxpayers list, will be able to get loans at a further reduced mark-up rate of 4 percent.
Businesses with a 3 month wage and salary expense of up to Rs. 200 million will be able to avail the full amount of their expense in financing while those with a 3 month wage and salary expense of greater than Rs. 500 million will be able to avail up to 50 percent of their expense. Businesses in the middle category will be able to avail up to 75 percent of their 3 months’ salary and wage expense.
The banks will not charge any loan processing fee, credit limit fee or prepayment penalties for loans under this scheme. A grace period of six months will be allowed to the borrowers while the repayment of the principal amount will be made in two years.
Banks will provide weekly reporting to SBP on the take up of the scheme and in particular the reasons for any denials of financing requests under this scheme.
The central bank has taken a number of other measures in recent weeks to mitigate the impact of covid19 on Pakistan’s economy including an extension in repayment of loan principal amounts by one year, concessional financing for hospitals to procure equipment to combat covid19 as well as other measures.