Punjab Education Minister Dr. Murad Raas asked private school owners in the province to cut 20% fees in connection with the spread of coronavirus.
For the months of April and May, the application was made. Murad Raas chaired a meeting in which private school fees were checked.
The decision was taken to reduce burden and educational loss of the students amid the closure of all institutions due to coronavirus pandemic.
But Private schools in Punjab, Sindh and those in charge of the area of Islamabad’s city declared that, in view of the pandemic of coronavirus, they would challenge the guidelines on the compulsory 20% tuition concsione for April and May, saying they were already suffering losses due to closure of the educational institutes till May 31.
The High Court of Islamabad, which dismissed the petition for a stay order from the private school association for the notice of 20% discount on tuition fees during two-month vacation by the Private Educational Institutions Regulatory Authority (Peira).
Finally Govt of Punjab launched a helpline for parents who are forced to pay full fees of their kids despite govt order to cut 20% in total fees.
The helpline number is 042-99205101 and it is available from 9am to 4pm from Monday to Friday.
اگر کسی پرائیویٹ سکول کی جانب سے حکومتِ پنجاب کی ہدایات کے مطابق اب تک فیس میں کمی نہیں کی گئی تو آپ صبح 9 سے سہ پہر 4 بجے تک (سوموار – جمعہ) درج ذیل نمبر پر اپنی شکایت درج کرا سکتے ہیں.
— School Education Punjab (@SchoolEduPunjab) April 15, 2020
042-99205101@DrMuradPTI @GOPunjabPK pic.twitter.com/q0CjgA0BJD