Expired CNICs to be Valid Till June 30, 2020

According to officials, a letter received by the National Database Registration Authority and passport offices reads that in order to avoid spreading coronavirus through biometric capturing while processing MRP applications and public gatherings, the following measures may be taken:

All passport-issuing authorities at home and abroad may be advised to entertain expired CNICs upto June 30, 2020, and until further orders as Nadra has discontinued the process of renewal of CNICs.

Expired MRPs may be extended manually by giving following manual observations for a further period of one year on realisation of a proportionate fee equivalent to Rs1,000 after the submission of an application on s plain piece of paper alongwith copies of the passport and CNICs.

Manual endorsement regarding newborn babies may be made in the MRP of either of the parents, subject to the realisation of the prescribed endorsement fee equivalent to Rs800 and the completion of all other formalities.

The endorsement register for the renewal of such passports containing the following fields will be maintained, including checking against IBMS.

The foreign missions may be advised that the passport applicants may prefer to apply through online service. In case, the passport is not received by the applicant through online service due to the suspension of operations of international flights, a manual extension may be granted on their existing passports.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs is requested to convey the above instructions to the foreign missions in Islamabad as well as our foreign missions abroad.

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