Karachi’s Commissioner Encourage Citizens to Lodge Complaints by Twitter and Facebook

Pakistan’s largest city’s commissioner makes Karachi residents an offer which they really can’t refuse!

Karachi Administration on Thursday asked the residents of the port city to lodge their specific complaints about chicken rate hike by Twitter and Facebook.

Not every day you see such good news about technology being used to facilitate the citizens. Buying chicken is every household’s problem and people are being looted in the name inflation.

To fix this problem, Karachi administration has come up with an innovative ideas where residents would able to lodge their complaints by using the social networking platform like Twitter and Facebook.

It means, they would not have to stand in long queues outside the government offices in Karachi just to raise wrongdoing in the system.

Karachi Commissioner, Iftikhar Ali Shallwani said, “Special teams from all districts will be conducting checks in different markets today. Pl send any specific complaints by twitter and FB.”

Pakistan has an overwhelmingly presence on the internet and a good amount of Pakistanis are using the social networking sites. The provision of filing a complaint would facilitate the Karachites.

One can only hope, the newly introduced system would have an efficient response time and it would not disappoint the people simply.

It is worthy to note that Pakistan Poultry Association (PPA) in a press release issued claimed government once again attempting to disturb the demand and supply mechanism of the poultry industry by fixing chicken rates, resulting into huge drop in production capacity.

Pakistan Poultry Association (Northern Region) Vice-Chairman, Ch Muhammad Fargham raised his serious concern over the government attempt of fixing rates of chicken, and said that the industry is extremely depressed by this illegal action of the authorities.

“The government, on May 20, agreed with the leadership of the PPA and withdrawn its earlier decision of fixing official rate of poultry meat. But unfortunately that just after two days of its commitment, the authorities have once again started interference in the demand and supply mechanism of poultry industry.”

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