Schools are Obliged by the Education Ministry to Give 20% Discount in the Fees Structure During Covid-19

Earlier this week schools in Punjab are obliged to provide a 20% discount in terms of fees to the parents. The discount is applicable until the schools are reopened. The rule was published by the Punjab Education Minister Murad Raas. The main aim behind this discount is to offer relief to the parents during the nationwide coronavirus pandemic.

As per the minister of education, parents will not be paying the school fees until they get the school that includes the revised 20% discount as per the regulation of the education ministry.

The minister of health also requested the parents to pay the fees on time as it helps the schools in sustaining on its financial ground and besides that, the school management pays of teachers with the same fees.

Earlier this week schools in Punjab are obliged to provide a 20% discount in terms of fees to the parents. The discount is applicable until the schools are reopened. The rule was published by the Punjab Education Minister Murad Raas. The main aim behind this discount is to offer relief to the parents during the nationwide coronavirus pandemic.

As per the minister of education, parents will not be paying the school fees until they get the school that includes the revised 20% discount as per the regulation of the education ministry.

The minister of health also requested the parents to pay the fees on time as it helps the schools in sustaining on its financial ground and besides that, the school management pays of teachers with the same fees.

Murad Raas shared the notification on twitter according to which the school will remain close and students will be taught with alternative methods as the cycle of education shouldn’t be stopped. Most schools are offering online tuition to the students in the lockdown while other schools are offering lectures to the students via short video clips.

The education ministry has however permitted the administrative wings of the school to start working in the office. The employees are however obliged to follow the Standard operating procedure or SOPs published on 14th April by the Government of Pakistan.

The permission is given by the education ministry so that the school should carry on its administrative activities like collection of the fees and dispatch of salaries to everyone who is working for a particular school. One thing that school management is to maintain strictly is the social distancing norm and besides that only 2 people are allowed to stay in the office at a time. The schools will not open and get fully functional until further notice

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