Digital Hospital in Pakistan Helps Treated for COVID-19 at Your Home Absolutely Free

MadeinPak Digital Hospital is free for all. Those patients who are unable to find beds for themselves or their loved ones, can find one, through this platform. MadeinPak has the best doctors on board who can treat COVID-19 patients easily at home. Besides this, you can also opt for medical guidance, oxygen cylinders, medications and critical monitoring equipment.

Previously, MadeinPak successfully manufactured and distributed fourteen thousand personal protective equipment (PPEs) to healthcare workers. Now they have established a free digital portal to help support Pakistanis combat the novel coronavirus.

Those who are unable to find beds or space in hospitals can contact them via their Facebook group or their official page. Professional doctors have volunteered to help through this platform.

This is a great initiative especially since the lockdown has been lifted. The government wanted to support daily wagers and the business community however, since this decision; cases have increased two folds. Healthcare system is crumbling under pressure as the influx of patients have increased enormously.

A digital platform can help provide proper medical guidance at home to patients in need. But if symptoms invariably worsen then it is important that the patient be hospitalized and monitored around the clock.

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