PIA will Continue to Bring Passengers from Saudi Arabia to Pakistan Despite the Ban

The PIA has announced the resumption of one-way flights from Saudi Arabia to Pakistan after Saudi officials announced a partial ban on foreigners entering the country once again due to an increase in the corona virus.

According to a PIA spokesperson, PIA flights will be continued for the convenience of passengers and to bring them back to Pakistan from Saudi Arabia, while those who were booked on flights from Pakistan to Saudi Arabia will have their bookings postponed until the ban is lifted. Is being done.

It is to be noted that after the new wave of corona virus Saudi authorities ban the entry of foreigners from 20 countries including Pakistan which will take effect from 9 pm on Friday.

Apart from Pakistan, foreigners from 20 countries, including India, the United Arab Emirates, the United States and Turkey, have been barred from entering Saudi Arabia.

According to a PIA spokesperson, “Once the ban is lifted, all bookings will be resumed on the initial flights.”

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