Humanitarian Organizations emerged in real numbers only after the Second World War, concurrent with the dismantling of former colonies. Many such organizations have evolved from anti-colonial independence movements and are now dedicated to the upliftment of the poor and implicitly recognize that government alone can never solve the problems of poverty in general and of destitute in particular. These organization came into existence after most developing nation failed to provide basic necessities of life to their population.
Apart from emergency relief operations, there are several approaches to poverty alleviation, helping those, that cannot help themselves, distribution of alms, food, clothing, shelter, dowry, healthcare, which is the traditional welfare approache.g. Edhi Welfare Trust, Fatimid Foundation, Yusaeid Foundation and thousands of smaller welfare organizations, support for self-help mobilization through government policies of providing productive assets (agricultural land, livestock etc., tools and implements), employment through large public works, through development support organizations, e.g. micro-credit (Grameen, OPP, Network Leasing, AKRSP), housing, drinking water and sanitation (OPP), micro and cooperative enterprise development (OPP, ECDI), healthcare & nutrition, education & vocational training, advocacy, legal aid and unionism (PILER, BLLF), and the organization of solidarity networks or risk insurance, to guarantee a minimum standard or cover against decline into destitution, with individual or group contribution according to wealth and income, e.g. committee system, neighborly help, community funds and service institutions, private, company and public insurance systems.
Mostly humanitarian organizations take up single cause to build their identity and uplift communities but only few national humanitarian Organization that are covering every aspect that is root-causes of poverty and provide sense of deprivation among communities. Beside leading foundation ,Yusaeid Foundation has emerged as prominent organization that is making its impact felt in improving Educations, creating Youth Employment opportunities in post COVID-19 scenario, Free Food to eliminate hunger, Wheelchairs for handicap and many more social welfare programs to create a better equal opportunity society beneficial for every individual.
YuSaeid foundation has endeavored to make a difference by providing highly transparent, extremely efficient, and eminently valuable charity services, both financially and in form of support provided to the underprivileged members of our society. The Managing Director of the foundation, Lt. Col Shahzad Ali Kiani passionately expresses the objectives of the foundation by saying, “Should the need be in any segment of the society, YuSaeid Foundation is ready to expand its wings to help those in need – may it be child labour or providing education, may it be eliminating hunger or raising awareness about unequal distribution of wealth, YuSaeid is there wherever the need be!”
Over the period, These Organizations role has been extended to the level where Government not only appreciate their efforts but partnered with them to support their noble cause to end poverty and deprivation from the society. Mushroom growth of the NGOs is the good sign and a realization among civic societies to bring parity in distributions of resources with less-privilege community.