HEC Announces Stipendium Hungary Scholarship 2022-23 for Bachelor’s, Master’s, Ph.D. Studies

According to a tweet from the Higher Education Commission (HEC), the body has announced an international scholarship. The scholarship covers Bachelor’s, One-Tier Master’s, Master’s, and Ph.D. studies.

According to the notification, the Hungarian government launches the scholarship with HEC in Pakistan. The HEC is accepting applications from Pakistan and Azad Jammu and Kashmir for Stipendium Hungaricum Scholarship Programme (2022-23).

Types of Scholarship

Under the following programs, Stipendium Hungaricum scholarships are available for those who meet the eligibility criteria. read down for more information:

  • Bachelor’s Degree (after 12 years education);
  • One-Tier Master’s Degree (after 12 years education);
  • Master’s Degree (after 16 years education); and
  • PhD Degree (after 17/18 years education)

Eligibility Criteria For HEC International Scholarship 2022-23

  • Only citizens of Pakistan and AJ/&K are welcome to apply.
  • The age limit must be between 18-22 for an undergraduate degree. For a master’s degree, the age must not be more than 35 years. For those who want to apply for a Ph.D. degree, their age must not exceed 40 years.
  • If application in Bachelor’s (Undergraduate Program) and One-Tier Master’s degrees such as DVM, DPharm, etc., the applicant must have completed HSSC/Intermediate or equivalent.
  • If applying in master (postgraduate program) applicants must complete 16 years bachelor’s program or any equivalent degree.
  • The candidate must have 18 years program or any equivalent degree if want to apply for Ph.D.
  • You have to fill both HEC and Hungary application form properly.
  • Certificates/Transcripts/Degrees must be attested by certifying authorities such as IBCC and HEC. IBCC O and A level equivalence are required.
  • It is the sole responsibility of students applying for any professional degree (Medical, Engineering, Nursing, Architecture, Law, Veterinary Medicine, etc.) to first confirm its accreditation from the respective Councils, namely Pakistan Medical Commission (PMC), Pakistan Engineering Council (PEC), Pakistan Nursing Council (PNC) Pakistan Council for Architects and Town Planners (PCATP), Pakistan Bar Council (PBC), Pakistan Veterinary Medical Council (PVMC), Pakistan Veterinary Medical Council (PVMC).
  • All applicants must submit a medical certificate of good health (issued no earlier than 15 November 2021, a written certificate from a physician proving that the applicant does not have the following illnesses: AIDS, Hepatitis A, B, or C, or any other epidemic disease)
  • IELTS/TOEFL scores as required
  • In the event of final selection, applicants must submit an attachment on legal paper to HEC stating that he/she will not change discipline after receiving the scholarship and that, upon completion of his/her degree, he/she will return to Pakistan to serve the country for the period prescribed by the HEC.
  • However, if the agreement is not fulfill by applicant then the HEC reserves the right to recover a penalty amount from the candidate or his/her guarantor, as prescribed/decided by the HEC.

The candidate must have given all information as pre-requirement by Hungarian university and HEC.

How To Apply For HEC International Scholarships 2022-23

  • Applicants must only apply online through the Hungarian website and the HEC website.
  • If a candidate fails to submit online application forms on both platforms, he or she will be disqualified from further consideration.
  • At the initial stage of the selection, hard copies of applications and other documents are not required. Applicants must, however, keep a record of all submitted documents, as well as printed copies of BOTH application forms.
  • Applicants must submit hard copies of all original documents, as well as attested photocopies, at a later stage of the selection process. Both the original medical certificate and the police clearance certificate must be submitt.
  • A motivation letter, Proof of Language Proficiency School Certificates, Copy of Passport, and Acceptance of Statement for Application is also require.
  • The deadline for applying for the scholarship is January 17, 2022.

For further details, visit HEC’s website.

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