Karachi’s to Get Modern Transport System, Green Line BRT on Dec 10

PM Imran khan feels proud to facilitate Karachi with a modern transportation system, green line BRT on coming Friday. This news is shared by Minister for Planning and Development Asad Umar on Twitter today.

After the trial of two weeks, the green line bus will be available for the public on 25 December. Karachi green BRT project was started by Nawaz sharif in 2016. At that time it was estimated to complete the project in one year. Due to, coronavirus and many other reasons the project takes more than 5 years to complete.

About Green Line BRT

The Green Line is a bus rapid transit line in Karachi that has been under construction since February 2016. The first phase of the Karachi Metrobus network will consist of a 21-kilometer (13-mile) busway with 22 stations (A station after every km). Daewoo will operate an 80-bus fleet for the greenline. 

It is scheduled to be operational by November 2021. So far, 40 buses from China have arrived at the Karachi Port for the project. Federal Planning and Development Minister Asad Umar said at a ceremony to mark the arrival of buses in Karachi,

“After the trials are completed, the Green Line bus service will begin commercial operations in Karachi on December 25, 2021. Last month, a total of 80 buses for the green line project arrived in Karachi.”

Objectives of Grenn Line BRT

Karachi is undergoing an uncontrolled period of rapid urban growth and motorization.

The city’s current public transportation system accounts for a small percentage of the total vehicle fleet (4.5 percent) and serves approximately 42 percent of passenger demand.

However, no dedicated roads or other feasible traffic management solutions have been provided in comparison to private vehicles. Which account for roughly 36 percent of total vehicular traffic but carry only 21 percent of passengers.

The para-transit mode accounts for 10% of the vehicle fleet and carries 8% of the passengers. While, contract carriages account for 2% of the vehicle fleet but carry 10% of the total passengers (JICA Person Trip Study, 2005).

The primary project objectives are as follows:

  • To provide dependable, safe, affordable, high-quality, and timely BRT bus service.
  • Improve travelers’ quality of life in Karachi
  • Vastly improve the quality of Karachi’s public transportation system
  • To build infrastructure for buses to travel efficiently by giving them exclusive right-of-way for a significant portion of their route length, 
  • To build infrastructure that allows buses to travel efficiently by giving them exclusive right-of-way for a significant portion of their route length, 4
  • Reduce travel time

Route of Green Line BRT

The Green Line will start from Dilpasand Bakery on M.A Jinnah Road to Power House Roundabout in Surjani Town. Well, the route is covering the following points,

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