Pakistan Launches Digital Equivalence Verification Service to ‘Save Time and Cost’

Federal Education Minister Shafqat Mahmood has established the Inter Board Committee of Chairmen’s (IBCC) ‘Digital Equivalence Certificate Verification Service’ to ensure transparency and simplicity of business.

The inaugural event took place at the Ministry of Federal Education in Islamabad. Dr. Ghulam Ali Mallah, IBCC Secretary, briefed the minister on the new feature’s usefulness and benefits.

Shafqat stated during the ceremony that, in keeping with Prime Minister Imran Khan’s vision, all organizations working under the education ministry were digitizing their operations for transparency and public comfort.

How Digital Equivalence Verification Service Works

This service will improve accessibility, cut costs and time, and remove other barriers that organizations inside and outside the country face. The education minister praised IBCC’s efforts to help the public by utilizing cutting-edge technologies.

Dr. Ghulam Ali Mallah, who spoke at the event, said that the IBCC included a security mechanism in the certificate in the form of an encrypted QR code.

Organizations, institutions, and colleges no longer need to send papers to IBCC for verification because they may now check them simply by scanning QR codes from anywhere in the world.

He added more, that this is a real-time verification system that allows businesses to swiftly validate data on their mobile or computer and receive a verification email for their official records.

By removing old and traditional manual security aspects from the certificate, the IBCC will save millions of rupees per year as a result of this new security feature.

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