A few months back, WhatsApp introduced something called “Channels” to its platform. It’s a bit like what Telegram offers, allowing you to follow topics you’re interested in privately.
Initially, it was only available in eight countries, but now it’s available everywhere, including Pakistan. This announcement was made by Mark Zuckerberg, the CEO of Meta, which owns WhatsApp.
So, what are these “Channels”? Well, they let you share updates and other stuff in a special space, kind of like Telegram does. It’s different from the Broadcast Lists feature in WhatsApp, which has been around for a while. Broadcast Lists send messages separately to everyone on your list, while channels can be followed by a large number of people publicly.
To find these channels, you can look under the new “Updates” tab on the WhatsApp home screen. This tab also shows Status updates and has channels listed at the bottom. Any channels you follow will appear here.
Keep in mind that not all features might be available right away. For example, you might not be able to create your own channel just yet. However, some people in Pakistan are already using it, with channels like Geo News and others.
To make sure you can access these features, make sure your WhatsApp is updated to the latest version.
How to create a WhatsApp Channel
Creating a WhatsApp channel is easy; here’s a breakdown of the steps:
1. WhatsApp Account and App Update
- Ensure you have a WhatsApp account or create one if you don’t.
- Update your WhatsApp app to the latest version for the best experience.
2. Two-Step Verification (Optional)
- For extra security, consider enabling two-step verification for your WhatsApp account and admin account.
3. Creating Your Channel
- Open WhatsApp Web and click the Channels icon.
4. Start Channel Creation
- Choose “Create channel.”
5. Follow On-Screen Prompts
- Click “Continue” and follow the on-screen instructions.
6. Naming Your Channel
- Give your channel a name; You can change it later.
7. Customising Your Channel (Optional)
- You can customise it now or later.
- Add a brief channel description to let potential followers know what it’s about.
- Upload an image as your channel icon to make it unique.
8. Creating Your Channel
- Click “Create channel,” and you’re done!
After creating your channel, you can learn how to share updates. To share your channel link:
Access Your Channel Info Page:
- Click the Channels icon.
- Select your channel and then its name.
- Click the “Copy link.”
Following these steps will help you successfully create and customize your WhatsApp channel to share updates and connect with your followers directly.