Punjab Chief Minister Maryam Nawaz has announced a substantial increase in financial aid for individuals with special needs under the Himmat Card scheme. The assistance amount has been raised from Rs. 75,000 to Rs. 100,000, benefiting 65,000 eligible recipients across the province.
Phased Rollout of Himmat Card Scheme
During a ceremony held on Wednesday, CM Nawaz summarized that the Himmat Card scheme would be implemented in phases to ensure smooth distribution and accessibility for all eligible beneficiaries.
Eligibility Criteria
To qualify for a Himmat Card, applicants must possess a special persons certificate issued by their district or tehsil office. Financial assistance will be deposited directly into the accounts of eligible individuals every three months. However, individuals already receiving support from other government initiatives, such as the Benazir Income Support Program, will not be eligible for this scheme.
Banking and Financial Management
The Bank of Punjab (BoP) has been designated as the financial service provider for the Himmat Card scheme, managing transactions totaling Rs. 80.17 million. The Social Welfare Bank of Punjab will supply the necessary data to ensure the proper distribution of funds to beneficiaries. It is important to note that funds must be withdrawn within 180 days of transfer, or they will be returned.
Project Funding and Implementation
The Planning and Development (P&D) Department has allocated Rs. 658.1 million to ensure the successful implementation of the Himmat Card scheme, reflecting the Punjab government’s commitment to supporting individuals with special needs in the province.